Thursday, January 4, 2007

Community Board meeting

We went to the "community" board "meeting" last night and were pleasantly surprised. We had been prepared for a big official affair, but it was hardly that. It consisted of Jon and I standing next to a locked door in the Brooklyn Hospital for forty-five minutes, until two old ladies came up, found the door locked as well, and got someone to unlock it. These two nice ladies were the community board committee. (Apparently, due to sickness/other engagements, only two of the four committee members were there.) We told them about our bar, they asked a few questions (whether we would have outdoor seating, soundproofing, whether we would serve Hennessy). We gave them all our documentation (thanks to all the people who wrote letters!), they said our bar sounded nice, and that was it. I think we'll have their support, which is a big step towards getting our liquor license.

1 comment:

MLE morrison said...

Glad that all went smoothly, johnnykins. I went by with Brian and Linds and got super excited about the place. I must be invited to the grand opening. I love the back room too...a lot bigger than you made it sound when we talked.

Good to see you!