Well, it's been a busy week. Most of last week, our carpenter was working, thus preventing us from doing too much. But we did do a little dry wall work, finished our hyper-rustic shelf in the front room, and created a mantel above our fireplace. We also finally finished firming up the stairs to the basement. In the meantime, our carpenter Jon kicked major butt on the panelling between the two rooms, which is now all done except a few details. His welder came in and assembled the steel substructure for our bar, so we finally have something to look at. It's huge, taking up a good portion of the front room, but we like how it divides the space and provides a lot of top-notch bar seating. There's also some fun ledge seating built in between the two rooms.
The weekend was another matter. Jon's dad was in town from Saturday until Monday and the carpenter was gone. At the end of the weekend, we finally got our skylight in--we just need to wait for the HVAC people, and then we can install it and our air conditioning unit at the same time.
This week, our plumber has been working on the second bathroom. Later in the week, we expect our cold box to come in, and for our HVAC ducting to finally make the plunge into the area over the bathrooms. Our bar will need to get faced out with plywood soon as well.
Kevin has been a great help, giving us fruit and ideas on how to build things most efficiently and prettily. I have been growing haphazard facial hair so I seem more grizzled--I don't want to be labeled as a callow naive bumpkin by contractors or prospective bar customers. Kevin says, "You look like sweet boy, or historian." Indeed.
Pictures coming soon from Jon.