Thursday, July 23, 2015

Pub Quiz Schedule Update:

We WILL be having quiz this Sunday, 7/26 at 8 pm. See you there!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Stuck Between Stations Stand-Up Comedy Tonight!

Stuck Between Stations returns tonight at 8 pm for some more great stand-up comedy! Here's the line-up:

Josh Gondelman (Last Week Tonight)
Jason Saenz (Montreal Just For Laughs Festival)
Maria Heinegg (Bridgetown Comedy Festival)
Chris Calogero (Not Quite Midnight)
Christi Chiello (New York Comedy Festival)
Sam Bourne (Assorted Nuts)

Hosted by John Bilancini (@JOHNBILANCINI)

Admission: FREE!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Stone Ruination Nation Event Tonight!

The folks at Stone are celebrating the glory of the American Imperial IPA all month long and they'll be at Pacific Standard tonight! Come and enjoy some of their delicious beers and take advantage of some great specials and giveaways.

Here's the Lineup:
Stone Ruination 2.0
Ecliptic/Wicked Weed/Stone Points Unknown IPA
Stone Saison
Stone Delicious IPA Dry-Hopped with Mosaic on Cask!

More Info Here

Monday, July 6, 2015

Triple Rock Brewery Night this Thursday, July 9th at 8pm!

The guys from Berkeley's Triple Rock Brewery will be in town this Thursday and they've smuggled some of their beer across the country for us all to try! You really shouldn't miss this opportunity to hang out with the people behind this landmark Berkeley brewpub and to drink some of their delicious beer. Plus, there will be giveaways of Triple Rock swag!